On 2021-09-22 at 05:10:02 +1000,
Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You can dynamically import modules using importlib.import_module(),
> but an easier way might just be a conditional import:
> # client/__init__.py
> if some_condition:
>     import module_a_default as module_a
> else:
>     import module_a_prime as module_a
> Now everything that refers to client.module_a.whatever will get the
> appropriate one, either the original or the alternate.


> Alternatively, since you are talking about paths, it might be easiest
> to give everything the same name, and then use sys.path to control
> your import directories. Not sure which would work out best.


Please don't do that.  Mutable shared and/or global state (i.e.,
sys.paths) is the root of all evil.  And homegrown crypto and date
libraries.  And those funny red hats.

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