On 2021-09-26 at 17:40:18 -0700,
Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2021-09-26, Mats Wichmann <m...@wichmann.us> wrote:
> > On 9/26/21 10:38, 2qdxy4rzwzuui...@potatochowder.com wrote:
> >> On 2021-09-26 at 11:21:08 -0500,
> >
> >> No.  I use mbsync (formerly isync) to synchronize my gmail account with
> >> a local maildir folder, and while mbsync does send the app password
> >> (over TLS) to google every few minutes, it doesn't need the second
> >> factor.  Or at least it hasn't so far (it's been a couple of years).  I
> >> do get periodic nags from google because I'm using a "less secure"
> >> method than their web page to access my mail, but I ignore them.
> Are you using an app-specific password?

Yes.  It was a hoop, but not a big one.  No, wait, I mean it wasn't a
small, flaming, poison spiked hoop; i.e., it was fairly simple to jump

> > Just be aware, because It's Google, this will change again at some
> > point and you'll lose access.
> Of course. That's half the fun of using Google's services. ;)

If it changes, I'll just forward incoming mail to my main (non-google)
account and not look back.  If I didn't need the account to access the
google store on my android phone, I'd would have abandoned it long ago.

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