

You keep beating a dead horse. NOBODY denies there are benefits to suggestions 
like the one we are describing. It is a logical fallacy to keep arguing this 


And nobody (meaning me) suggests costs are a dominant factor in decisions no 
matter the benefits. The realistic suggestion is to not only weight costs and 
benefits for one proposal but for all reasonable proposals and then choose.


I have no idea what the actual cost of changing the parser is. It may be 
trivial or very nontrivial. I do not know if the actual chosen change, from a 
range of possible implementations, will leave the speed of typical programs 
untouched or will add lots of overhead for all programs including the ones not 
using this feature. Nor do I know how many existing features might clash with 
the choice of implementation and need to be changed to resolve them or face 
lots of bug reports later.


So what I and others have said here is not based completely on known and 
measured facts. But before approving a proposal, some analysis and estimates 
must be made including a decision to just cancel any work if it over-runs 
targeted costs of various kinds.


Now for a dumb question. Many languages allow a form of setting a variable to a 
value like:


                assign(var, 5+sin(x))


If we had a function that then returned var or the value of var, cleanly, then 
would that allow an end run on the walrus operator?


if (assign(sign, 5+sin(x)) <= assign(cosign, 5+cos(x))) …


Not necessarily pretty and I am sure there may well be reasons it won’t work, 
but I wonder if it will work in more places than the currently minimal walrus 


From: Antoon Pardon <> 
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 3:03 AM
To: Avi Gross <>;
Subject: Re: New assignmens ...



Op 27/10/2021 om 20:20 schreef Avi Gross:

I think anyone who suggests we should separate costs from benefits belongs
securely within the academic world and should remain there.
Practical things need to be built considering costs. Theoretical things,
sure, cost is not an issue.

Seperating costs from benefits doesn't mean costs are not an issue. It means
you don't deny de benefits because there are costs. Sure in the end the costs
may outweight the benefits but that is still not the same as there being no
benefits at all.
If you want to weight the costs against the benefits you need to acknowledge
both and not start by denying the benefits because you presume they will
not outweight the costs.

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