Thank you for your help but I'm searching a different way.
Moreover it doesn't work always (for exaple: try a 'dir' command).
Because of I'm implementing a remote shell  the 
[[os.popen('command').read()]] rapresents the best for me because it can 
also accepts arguments direclty  (for example: 
os.popen('netstat -a -n -o').read() and this is a great advantage.
I was looking at sys.stdout and sys.stderr. Can they be helpful?

> Use subprocess:
> from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
> proc = Popen(['command', 'arg', 'arg'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
> return_code = proc.wait()
> if return_code == 0:
>    print "Success:\n%s" %
> else:
>    print "Failure %s:\n%s" % (return_code, 


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