Edmondo Giovannozzi <edmondo.giovanno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You can try to download winpython: 
> https://github.com/winpython/winpython/releases
> It is an executable, but you don't need to execute it as it is a 7zip 
> compressed archive.
> You may run it or use directly 7zip to decompress it, the result will be the 
> same. 
> Then you have a full python installation that don't need to be installed. 
> You may try to put your program there and give the users that directory.

I do not understand it quite...
(How) can I add PySimpleGUI (*) and my program to this (self-extracting?)

633 MB! I have a lot of users with internet speed < 200 kB/s

With pyinstaller my program executables are are around 10 MB.

(*) My programs depend on:

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK         
Universitaet Stuttgart         E-Mail: horlac...@tik.uni-stuttgart.de
Allmandring 30a                Tel:    ++49-711-68565868
70569 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:    http://www.tik.uni-stuttgart.de/

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