On 2021-12-08 23:17, Stefan Ram wrote:
Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> writes:
Instead, consider the \b (word boundary) and \w (word character) markers, which will let you break strings up, and then maybe test the results with str.isupper().

   Thanks for your comments, most or all of them are
   valid, and I will try to take them into account!

   Regexps might have their disadvantages, but when I use them,
   it is clearer for me to do all the matching with regexps
   instead of mixing them with Python calls like str.isupper.
   Therefore, it is helpful for me to have a regexp to match
   upper and lower case characters separately. Some regexp
   dialects support "\p{Lu}" and "\p{Ll}" for this.

If you want "\p{Lu}" and "\p{Ll}", have a look at the 'regex' module on PyPI:



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