> On 8 Dec 2021, at 17:11, Jen Kris <jenk...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> I started this post on November 29, and there have been helpful comments 
> since then from Barry Scott, Cameron Simpson, Peter Holzer and Chris 
> Angelico.  Thanks to all of you.  
> I've found a solution that works for my purpose, and I said earlier that I 
> would post the solution I found. If anyone has a better solution I would 
> appreciate any feedback. 
> To recap, I'm using a pair of named pipes for IPC between C and Python.  
> Python runs as a child process after fork-execv.  The Python program 
> continues to run concurrently in a while True loop, and responds to requests 
> from C at intervals, and continues to run until it receives a signal from C 
> to exit.  C sends signals to Python, then waits to receive data back from 
> Python.  My problem was that C was blocked when Python started. 
> The solution was twofold:  (1) for Python to run concurrently it must be a 
> multiprocessing loop (from the multiprocessing module), and (2) Python must 
> terminate its write strings with \n, or read will block in C waiting for 
> something that never comes.  The multiprocessing module sidesteps the GIL; 
> without multiprocessing the GIL will block all other threads once Python 
> starts. 
> Originally I used epoll() on the pipes.  Cameron Smith and Barry Scott 
> advised against epoll, and for this case they are right.  Blocking pipes work 
> here, and epoll is too much overhead for watching on a single file 
> descriptor. 
> This is the Python code now:
> #!/usr/bin/python3
> from multiprocessing import Process

You already have feedback that multiprocessing is not required.

> import os
> print("Python is running")
> child_pid = os.getpid()
> print('child process id:', child_pid)
> def f(a, b):
>     print("Python now in function f")
>     pr = os.open('/tmp/Pipe_01', os.O_RDONLY)
>     print("File Descriptor1 Opened " + str(pr))
>     pw = os.open('/tmp/Pipe_02', os.O_WRONLY)
>     print("File Descriptor2 Opened " + str(pw))
>     while True:
>         v = os.read(pr,64)
>         print("Python read from pipe pr")
>         print(v)
>         if v == b'99':
>             os.close(pr)
>             os.close(pw)
>             print("Python is terminating")
>             os._exit(os.EX_OK)
>         if v != "Send child PID":
>             os.write(pw, b"OK message received\n")

The \n should not be required as UDS (unix domain sockets) are message based 
not a stream of bytes.

>             print("Python wrote back")
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     a = 0
>     b = 0
>     p = Process(target=f, args=(a, b,))
>     p.start()
>     p.join()
> The variables a and b are not currently used in the body, but they will be 
> later. 
> This is the part of the C code that communicates with Python:
>     fifo_fd1 = open(fifo_path1, O_WRONLY);
>     fifo_fd2 = open(fifo_path2, O_RDONLY);
>     status_write = write(fifo_fd1, py_msg_01, sizeof(py_msg_01));
>     if (status_write < 0) perror("write");
You continue on after the error, exit would be better.
>     status_read = read(fifo_fd2, fifo_readbuf, sizeof(py_msg_01));
>     if (status_read < 0) perror("read");
>     printf("C received message 1 from Python\n");
>     printf("%.*s",(int)buf_len, fifo_readbuf);

The length of the data read is in status_read not buf_len.

>     status_write = write(fifo_fd1, py_msg_02, sizeof(py_msg_02));

How much data did you put into py_msg_01 buffer?
Is it a C string? If so you want to write sizeof(py_msg_02)-1 to avoid sending 
the trailing NUL (0)
of the C string.

>     if (status_write < 0) perror("write");
If it failed exit until you have figured out the error handling.
>     status_read = read(fifo_fd2, fifo_readbuf, sizeof(py_msg_02));
>     if (status_read < 0) perror("read");
>     printf("C received message 2 from Python\n");
>     printf("%.*s",(int)buf_len, fifo_readbuf);

The length of the data read is in status_read not buf_len.

At no point do I see in this C code the need for a \n in the data sent between 
python and C.

>     // Terminate Python multiprocessing
>     printf("C is sending exit message to Python\n");
>     status_write = write(fifo_fd1, py_msg_03, 2);

Would be better to not be using "2" for the length to write here.
If py_msg_03 only has the exit msg in it the use sizeof(py_msg_03).
If its a C string the subtract 1 for the trailing NUL (0).

>     printf("C is closing\n");
>     close(fifo_fd1);
>     close(fifo_fd2);
> Screen output:
> Python is running
> child process id: 5353
> Python now in function f
> File Descriptor1 Opened 6
> Thread created 0
> File Descriptor2 Opened 7
> Process ID: 5351
> Parent Process ID: 5351
> I am the parent
> Core joined 0
> I am the child
> Python read from pipe pr
> b'Hello to Python from C\x00\x00'
The \x00 is because the length you used is wrong.

> Python wrote back
> C received message 1 from Python
> OK message received
> Python read from pipe pr
> b'Message to Python 2\x00\x00'
The \x00 is because the length you used is wrong.

> Python wrote back
> C received message 2 from Python
> OK message received
> C is sending exit message to Python
> C is closing
> Python read from pipe pr
> b'99'
> Python is terminating
> Python runs on a separate thread (created with pthreads) because I want the 
> flexibility of using this same basic code as a stand-alone .exe, or for a C 
> extension from Python called with ctypes.  If I use it as a C extension then 
> I want the Python code on a separate thread because I can't have two 
> instances of the Python interpreter running on one thread, and one instance 
> will already be running on the main thread, albeit "suspended" by the call 
> from ctypes. 
> So that's my solution:  (1) Python multiprocessing module; (2) Python strings 
> written to the pipe must be terminated with \n. 
> Thanks again to all who commented. 
> Dec 6, 2021, 13:33 by ba...@barrys-emacs.org:
>> On 6 Dec 2021, at 21:05, Jen Kris <jenk...@tutanota.com 
>> <mailto:jenk...@tutanota.com>> wrote:
>> Here is what I don't understand from what you said.  "The child process is 
>> created with a single thread—the one that called fork()."  To me that 
>> implies that the thread that called fork() is the same thread as the child 
>> process.  I guess you're talking about the distinction between logical 
>> threads and physical threads.  
> The thread that called fork is cloned into a new thread in the new process.
> It has a clone of the processor registers of the thread, stack memory segment 
> of that thread,
> which means that it has all the stack variables and stack frames from the 
> parent process's thread.
>> But the main issue is your suggestion that I should call fork-execv from the 
>> thread that runs the main C program, not from a separate physical pthread.  
>> That would certainly eliminate the overhead of creating a new pthread. 
> Forget about physical threads, they only matter when you are performance 
> tuning your code.
>> I am working now to finish this, and I will try your suggestion of calling 
>> fork-execv from the "main" thread.  When I reply back next I can give you a 
>> complete picture of what I'm doing. 
>> Your comments, and those of Peter Holzer and Chris Angelico, are most 
>> appreciated. 
> Barry


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