Hey All,

I have a set of bash and python scripts that all interact with a remote git repository.  While running the scripts, when ever a repo is cloned using HTTP and a user/pass combination, that information is stored in the .git/config file on disk including the password.  I'm able to issue the following commands in git to effectively enable the caching of credentials in memory for a predefined amount of time off the linux shell:

git config credential.helper 'cache
git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=300'

However, what is the best way to do so via Python?  I've read through the following to try and make sense of how I could do so:


But neither means appears to have or be able to do what I'm interested in.  I would like to prevent the user and password from being stored on disk in any shape or form, including eliminating it from .gitconfig / .git/config files.   I keep trying to search in google for possible solutions using "python git credential helper" and "git prevent storing passwords in git config files"  but google keeps returning results on how to store passwords IN .git/config files, which is the exact opposite of what I want.  :)

An alternative to the above is to use ssh keys, however I would like to know an alternate way that avoids using ssh keys.   Wondering if folks here did something similar using python and could provide a bit of insight how I could go about doing so?


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