On Sunday, December 12, 2021 at 2:01:19 PM UTC, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Like many others, I'm saddened to hear of Fredrik Lundh's passing. I 
> vaguely recall meeting him just once, probably at a Python workshop, 
> before they grew big enough to be called conferences. Effbot.org was 
> my Tkinter, ElemenTree, and PIL reference and cheat sheet. 
> My attention to Python development has waxed and waned over the years. 
> Most of the time, the trip through the Python folder in my mail 
> program was generally pretty quick, hitting the 'd' key far more often 
> than I'd stop to read a message. There are only a few people whose 
> messages I'd always read. Effbot was one. In my opinion, Fredrik ranks 
> up there with Guido, Tim Peters and Barry Warsaw. 
> I went to effbot.org and saw the "on hiatus" message. Searching 
> through The Wayback Machine, it seems it went on hiatus in late 
> November, 2020. The 11 November 2020 snapshot appears to be the last 
> usable version: 
> https://web.archive.org/web/20201111145627/http://effbot.org/ 
> Probably worth a bookmark in your browser. 
> Rest easy /F ... 
> Skip

I hadn't realised effbot.org was 'on hiatus'. Yes, definitely worth
bookmarking The Wayback Machine backup - or even (someone?)
making a separate archive?

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