I played with Julia a few months ago. I was doing some data-science stuff with Pandas and the performance was terrible so I decided to give Julia a try.

My plan was to do the slow part in Julia and call it from Python. I tried juliacall (if I don't remember wrong) but I couldn't set up it.

It wasn't as smooth as it was advertised (but hey! you may have a better luck than me).

The other thing that I couldn't figure out is *how the data is shared between Python and Julia*. Basically numpy/pandas structures cannot be used by Julia own libraries as they are, they need to be copied at least and this can be a real performance hit.

I desisted the idea but you may still consider this as an real option. Just validate how much data you need to share (in my cases where quite large datasets, hence the issue).

Having said that, is Julia a real option? May be.

In my case the processing that I needed was quite basic and Julia did a really good job.

But I felt that the library is too fragmented. In Python you can relay on Pandas/numpy for processing and matplotlib/seaborn for plotting and you will 99% covered.

In Julia I need DataFrames.jl, Parquet.jl, CategoricalArrays.jl, StatsBase.jl, Statistics.jl and Peaks.jl

And I'm not including any plotting stuff.

This fragmentation is not just "inconvenient" because you need to install more packages but it is more difficult to code.

The API is not consistent so you need to be careful and double check that what you are calling is really doing what you think.

About the performance, Julia is not magic. It depends on how well it was coded each package.

In my case I had a good experience except with Parquet.jl which it didn't understand how to handle categories in the dataset and ended up loading a lot of duplicated strings and blew up the memory a few times.

I suggest you to write down what you need to speed up and see if it is implemented in Julia (do a proof of concept). Only then consider to do the switch.

Good luck and share your results!

On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 07:12:22AM -0800, Dan Stromberg wrote:
On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 7:02 AM Albert-Jan Roskam <sjeik_ap...@hotmail.com>


I have a Python program that uses Tkinter for its GUI. It's rather slow so
I hope to replace many or all of the non-GUI parts by Julia code. Has
anybody experience with this? Any packages you can recommend? I found three

* https://pyjulia.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#
* https://pypi.org/project/juliacall/
* https://github.com/JuliaPy/PyCall.jl

Thanks in advance!

I have zero Julia experience.

I thought I would share this though:

Even if you go the Julia route, it's probably still best to profile your
Python code to identify the slow ("hot") spots, and rewrite only them.

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