- “if you are deploying to something like Heroku for the application -- the 
Excel file will have to be deployed also, and no one except your application 
will be able to see it there. Under this situation, there is no reason/excuse 
to keep the data in the very inefficient format you've defined in the most 
recent message. Import into some supported database and normalize the data to 
make updates easier.”

Ok with deploying the Excel file also. Next time I will switch to another 

-“Well, you know how to read the contents of a cell, and how to put items into 
a dict (the key will be the cell contents and the value will be the column 

No, I don’t know. I tried but still the same.

-“The column numbers will go from 1 to sheet.last_column, although some of them 
might be empty (their value will be None), which you can remove from the dict 

No need to do with the whole spreadsheet only the first column is enough

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