I am writing a C extension module for an AVL tree, and I am trying to ensure reference counting is done correctly. I was having a problem with the reference counting so I worked up this little POC of the problem, and I hope someone can explain this.

Extension function :

   static PyObject *_Node_test_ref_count(PyObject *self)
        printf("\nIncrementing ref count for self - just for the hell
   of it\n");
        printf("\n before self has a ref count of %ld\n", Py_REFCNT(self));
        printf("\n after self has a ref count of %ld\n", Py_REFCNT(self));
        return self;

As you can see this function purely increments the reference count of the instance.

/Note: I understand normally this would be the wrong this to do, but this is a POC of the issue, not live code. In the live code I am attaching a 2nd nodes to each other, and the live code therefore increments the ref-count for both objects - so even if the Python code deletes it's reference the reference count for the instance should still be 1 in order to ensure it doesn't get garbage collected./

This function is exposed as the test_ref method.

This is the test case :

    def test_000_009_test_ref_count(self):
        node = _Node("Hello")
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(node), 2)
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(node), 3)

The output of this test case is :

test_000_009_test_ref_count (__main__.TestNode) ...
Incrementing ref count for self - just for the hell of it

 before self has a ref count of 2

 after self has a ref count of 3

FAIL: test_000_009_test_ref_count (__main__.TestNode)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/tony/Development/python/orderedtree/tests/test_orderedtree.py", line 62, in test_000_009_test_ref_count
    self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(node), 3)
AssertionError: 2 != 3

So I understand why the first assert will be true - when the sys.getrefcount() function is called the ref count is incremented temporarily (as a borrowed reference), so there are now two references - the 'node' variable, and the borrowed reference in the function call.

We then call the 'test_ref' method, and again that call causes a borrowed reference (hence the ref count being 2 initially within the method). The 'test_ref' method increments the reference of the instance - as you can see from the output we now have a ref count of 3 - (that count is the 'node' variable in the test case, the borrowed reference due to the method call, and the artificial increment from the 'ref_test' method).

When the 'ref_test' method exits I would expect the ref count of the instance to now be 2 (one for the 'node' variable, and one as a result of the artificial increment increment').

I would therefore expect the 2nd assertEqual in the test case to succeed. - in this case the borrowed reference within sys.getfrefcount() should cause the count to be 3.

As you see though that 2nd assertEqual fails - suggesting that the refcount of 'node' is actually only 1 when the 'test_ref' method exits.

Can someone explain why the 'test_ref' method fails to change the refcount of the 'node' instance.


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