[Tim Daneliuk]

> OO ideas predate C++ considerably.  The idea of encapsulation and
> abstract data types goes back to the 1960s IIRC.

Did not Simula-67 have it all already?

When C++ came along, much later, I asked someone knowledgeable in the
field of language design what was his opinion about C++.  He answered
very laconically: Simula-- . And this was not far from fully true:
Simula had many virtues which are still missing from C++.

Moreover, a language like Simula cannot be made up of thin air, it only
crystallizes a long maturation of many trends.  The term "OO" may have
been coined later, but the concepts were already there.  In computer
science, I often saw old concepts resurrecting with new names, and then
mistaken for recent inventions.  New ideas are not so frequent...

François Pinard   http://pinard.progiciels-bpi.ca

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