On Tue, 8 Feb 2022 at 02:53, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2022-02-06, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, 6 Feb 2022 13:44:07 +0530, "createkmontalb...@gmail.com"
> ><createkmontalb...@gmail.com> declaimed the following:
> >
> >>   I cannot open python after downloading it keeps going to modify/uninstall
> >>   ?? please help
> >
> > Stop clicking on the INSTALLER. What you downloaded is just the program
> > that installs and configures Python on your system. Stuff it away someplace
> > safe should you need to modify the current installation, but otherwise just
> > forget that it exists.
> This is _still_ a problem after all these years and countless
> identical complaints?
> How difficult would it be to add a few lines of text to the installer
> welcome screen explaining that you've just started the Python
> INSTALLER, and if you've already done the installation and want to
> "run Python" try <whatever>?

How difficult would it be to get people to read those lines, though?


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