Am 08.02.22 um 18:57 schrieb Dieter Maurer:
Christian Gollwitzer wrote at 2022-2-7 20:33 +0100:
we've developed a Python pacakge which consists of both a compiled
extension module and some helper functions in Python. Is there a
tutorial on how to package such an extension?

Look at "";,

Thank you, but that page is more like a high-level description, it talks a lot about the differences between C code and Python and how it can be combined using SWIG etc, but I already have a working extension.

My question was more targeted at how to write the file in this case such that both the compiled code and the Python code gets loaded.

In the meantime, I found a similar example for C++ code with CMake and pybind11 here:

That gave me enough to create a similar thing for a pure CPython extension:

Now, I still have to figure out how to get this on PyPI and how to enable OpenMP during compilation.


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