You don't reply if you have problems.
When I don't find any solution elsewhere then only I place in this group 

One problem of different type requires the same elaboration.

Q. What technique of statistics or numerical computation or general mathematics 
to use to solve this problem. Can you tell one example.

Find the values of 𝑥subscript(𝑖) for i from 1 to n (n =100).

𝑥subscript(1) + 𝑥subscript(2) = 3,

𝑥subscript(𝑖+1) − 𝑥subscript(𝑖+2) = 1, 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑖 = 1, 
 , 𝑛 − 2

𝑥subscript(n-1) + 𝑥subscript(n) = 3


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