Rob Cliffe wrote at 2022-3-4 00:13 +0000:
>I find it so hard to remember what `for ... else` means that on the very
>few occasions I have used it, I ALWAYS put a comment alongside/below the
>`else` to remind myself (and anyone else unfortunate enough to read my
>code) what triggers it, e.g.
>     for item in search_list:
>         ...
>         ... break
>     else: # if no item in search_list matched the criteria
>You get the idea.
>If I really want to remember what this construct means, I remind myself
>that `else` here really means `no break`.  Would have been better if it
>had been spelt `nobreak` or similar in the first place.

One of my use cases for `for - else` does not involve a `break`:
the initialization of the loop variable when the sequence is empty.
It is demonstrated by the following transscript:

>>> for i in range(0):
...   pass
>>> i
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'i' is not defined
>>> for i in range(0):
...   pass
... else: i = None
>>> i

For this use case, `else` is perfectly named.

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