Dieter Maurer <> writes:

> Loris Bennett wrote at 2022-3-10 13:16 +0100:
>>I have a command which produces output like the
>>  Job ID: 9431211
>>  Cluster: curta
>>  User/Group: build/staff
>>  State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
>>  Nodes: 1
>>  Cores per node: 8
>>  CPU Utilized: 01:30:53
>>  CPU Efficiency: 83.63% of 01:48:40 core-walltime
>>  Job Wall-clock time: 00:13:35
>>  Memory Utilized: 6.45 GB
>>  Memory Efficiency: 80.68% of 8.00 GB
>>I want to parse this and am using subprocess.Popen and accessing the
>>contents via Popen.stdout.  However, for testing purposes I want to save
>>various possible outputs of the command as text files and use those as
> What do you want to test? the parsing? the "popen" interaction?
> You can separately test both tasks (I, at your place, would do this).

I just want to test the parsing.

> For the parsing test, it is not relevant that the actual text
> comes from an external process. You can directly read it from a file
> or have it in your text.

As mentioned in the original post, for the tests I indeed want to read
the input from files.

> In my view, you do not need a test for the `Popen` interaction:
> if it works once, it will work always.

Sorry if I was unclear but my question is:

Given that the return value from Popen is a Popen object and given that
the return value from reading a file is a single string or maybe a list
of strings, what should the common format for the argument which is
passed to the actual parsing function be?


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