I'm trying to copy a value from HKLM to HKCU for application rollout via bulk installation by an administrator but individual Windows user setup.

Getting this ...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Users\mike\envs\chemdata\registry\wreg\wreg.py", line 84, in <module>
    curegistry.setvalue('Country', anz)
  File "D:\Users\mike\envs\chemdata\registry\wreg\wreg.py", line 51, in setvalue
    return wr.SetValueEx(self.select(), vname, 0, 1, value)
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied

... on my very own laptop where my login has admistrator permissions ... which I realise means nothing in this case.

But I would not have been surprised if it worked here but not in the field where users are firefighters and definitely not administrators and cannot install software on their workstations.

import winreg as wr

class Registry:

    def __init__(self, computer=None, hkey=None, sub_key=None):
        # computer is None means this computer
        self.computer = computer
        self.key = hkey
        self.sub_key = sub_key

    def connect(self):
        return wr.ConnectRegistry(self.computer, self.key)

    def select(self):
        # also tried OpenKeyEx()
        return wr.OpenKey(
            access=wr.KEY_ALL_ACCESS + wr.KEY_WRITE,

    def query(self, vname):
        return wr.QueryValueEx(self.select(), vname)

    def setvalue(self, vname, value):
        return wr.SetValueEx(self.select(), vname, 0, 1, value)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    lmregistry = Registry(
        sub_key="SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\XXX Technology\AppName",
    anz = lmregistry.query('Country')[0]
    print(f"\n{anz}") # works fine

    curegistry = Registry(
        sub_key="SOFTWARE\XXX Technology\AppName",
    curegistry.setvalue('Country', anz)  <<<<< BOOM <<<<<

Any hints appreciated.



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