Den 2022-05-29 skrev Christian Gollwitzer <>:
> Am 29.05.22 um 00:45 schrieb Stefan Ram:
>> "Steve GS" <Gronicus@SGA.Ninja> writes:
>>> Subject: Automatic Gain Control in Python?
>>    Automatic Gain Control in Python is trivial. You have a list
>>    of samples and normalize them, i.e., divide by max. Slightly
>>    simplified
>> [ s/max( samples )for s in samples ]
>>    (where sample values are normalized to the range -1,+1.)
> No, that's not it. Loudness is perceived in a different way, the crudest 


> music is incredibly loud, and you might have wondered, how they do that.
> Google for "Loudness war" and "dynamic range compression" if you want to 
> understand it in detail.
I have no suggestions for solving the problem but it struck me that
you might be interested in looking up a standard called EBU R128.
Start with youtube and you find lectures/demos.

Python connection; There is a Python package called ffmpeg-normalize
which contains an implementation of EBU R128. AFAIK it works on files,
not streaming audio.


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