
I’m trying to get the ID3 tags of an mp3 file. I trying to use the 
 method but I can’t seem to get it right. Here is a code snippet:

 import eyed3
import eyed3.id3
import eyed3.id3.frames
import eyed3.id3.apple
import eyed3.mp3
myID3 = eyed3.load("/Users/Test/Life in the fast lane.mp3")
myTitle = myID3.tag.title
myArtist = myID3.tag.artist
myAlbum = myID3.tag.album
myAlbumArtist = myID3.tag.album_artist
myComposer = myID3.tag.composer
myPublisher = myID3.tag.publisher
myGenre = myID3.tag.genre.name
myCDID = myID3.id3.frames.MusicCDIdFrame(id=b'MCDI', toc=b'')

When I run this, I get the following error:

  File "/Documents/Python/Test1/main.py", line 94, in <module>
    myCDID = myID3.id3.frames.MusicCDIdFrame(id=b'MCDI', toc=b'')
AttributeError: 'Mp3AudioFile' object has no attribute 'id3'

Any help or suggestion greatly appreciated.

All the Best


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