On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 01:53:26 +0000 (UTC), Avi Gross <avigr...@verizon.net>
declaimed the following:

>So is it necessary to insist on an exact pattern of two digits followed by a 
>That would fail on "44 Minutes", "40 Oz. Dream", "50 Mission Cap", "50 Ways to 
>Say Goodbye", "99 Ways to Die" 
>It looks to me like you need to compare TWICE just in case. If it matches in 
>the original (perhaps with some normalization of case and whitespace, fine. If 
>not will they match if one or both have something to remove as a prefix such 
>as "02 ". And if you are comparing items where the same song is in two 
>different numeric sequences on different disks, ...

        I suspect the OP really needs to extract the /track number/ from the
ID3 information, and (converting to a 2digit formatted string) see if the
file name begins with that track number... The format of the those
filenames appear to be those generated by some software when ripping CDs to
MP3s -- for example:

c:\Music\Roger Miller\All Time Greatest Hits>dir
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is 4ACC-3CB4

 Directory of c:\Music\Roger Miller\All Time Greatest Hits

04/11/2022  05:06 PM    <DIR>          .
04/11/2022  05:06 PM    <DIR>          ..
07/26/2018  11:20 AM         4,493,279 01 Dang Me.mp3
07/26/2018  11:20 AM         5,072,414 02 Chug-A-Lug.mp3
07/26/2018  11:20 AM         4,275,844 03 Do-Wacka-Do.mp3
07/26/2018  11:20 AM         4,284,208 04 In the Summertime.mp3
07/26/2018  11:20 AM         6,028,730 05 King of the Road.mp3
07/26/2018  11:20 AM         4,662,182 06 You Can't Roller Skate in a
Buffalo Herd.mp3
07/26/2018  11:20 AM         5,624,704 07 Engine, Engine #9.mp3
07/26/2018  11:20 AM         5,002,492 08 One Dyin' and a Buryin'.mp3
07/26/2018  11:21 AM         6,799,224 09 Last Word in Lonesome Is Me.mp3
07/26/2018  11:21 AM         5,637,230 10 Kansas City Star.mp3
07/26/2018  11:21 AM         4,656,910 11 England Swings.mp3
07/26/2018  11:21 AM         5,836,638 12 Husbands and Wives.mp3
07/26/2018  11:21 AM         5,470,216 13 I've Been a Long Time Leavin'.mp3
07/26/2018  11:21 AM         6,230,236 14 Walkin' in the Sunshine.mp3
07/26/2018  11:21 AM         6,416,060 15 Little Green Apples.mp3
07/26/2018  11:21 AM         9,794,442 16 Me and Bobby McGee.mp3
07/26/2018  11:22 AM         7,330,642 17 Where Have All the Average People
07/26/2018  11:22 AM         7,334,752 18 South.mp3
07/26/2018  11:22 AM         6,981,924 19 Tomorrow Night in Baltimore.mp3
07/26/2018  11:22 AM         9,353,872 20 River in the Rain.mp3
              20 File(s)    121,285,999 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  295,427,198,976 bytes free

c:\Music\Roger Miller\All Time Greatest Hits>

        Untested (especially the ID3 "variable" -- substitute variables as
needed to match the original code):

>>> id3Track = 2
>>> track_number = "%2.2d " % id3Track
>>> track_number
'02 '
>>> filename = "02 This is the life.mp3"
>>> if filename.startswith(track_number):
...     nametitle = filename[3:]
... else:
...     nametitle = filename
>>> if nametitle.endswith(".mp3"):
...             nametitle = nametitle[:-4]
>>> nametitle
'This is the life'

        Handling ASCII ' and " vs Unicode "smart" quotes is a different matter.

        One may still run the risk of having a filename without a track number
BUT having a number that just manages to match the track number. To account
for that I'd suggest using the sequence:

*       Strip extension (if filename.lower().endswith(".mp3"): ...)
*       Handle any Unicode/ASCII quotes in both filename AND ID3 track title
*       Compare filename and title.
*               IF MATCHED -- done
*               IF NOT MATCHED
*                       Format ID3 track number as shown above
*                       Compare filename to (formatted track number + track 
*                               IF MATCHED -- done
*                               IF NOT MATCHED
*                                       Log full filename and ID3 track 
title/track number to a
log for later examination.

        Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
        wlfr...@ix.netcom.com    http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

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