Hi i am trying to store a text file into MongoDB but i got the error .
"failing because no such method exists." % self.__name.split(".")[-1]
TypeError: 'Collection' object is not callable. If you meant to call the 
'insert' method on a 'Collection' object it is failing because no such method 

Can anyone please tell what is wrong here
i also tried to do it with insert_one  and insert_many 
but when i try to do it with insert_many it shows error
  raise TypeError("documents must be a non-empty list")
TypeError: documents must be a non-empty list

from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client.test_database  # use a database called "test_database"
collection = db.files   # and inside that DB, a collection called "files"

f = open('hashes.txt')  # open a file

# build a document to be inserted
text_file_doc = {"file_name": "hashes.txt"}
# insert the contents into the "file" collection

File names Hshes.txt has follown=ing data
Hash 1: 39331a6a2ea1cf31a5014b2a7c9e8dfad82df0b0666e81ce04cf8173cc5aed

Hash 2: 0e0ff63b7e5e872b9ea2f0d604b5d5afd6ba05665e52246fa321ead5b79c00ad

Hash 3: 89241ce841704508be1d0b76c478c9575ec8a7ec8be46742fd5acb0dc72787f3

Hash 4: 80283cb08f91b415aae04bcada0da1ca3e37bbe971ae821116b4d29008970bdb

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