Am 20.06.22 um 22:47 schrieb Roel Schroeven:
indication that is wrong on that point. Frankly that website seems very low quality in general. In that same article they say:

"CPython is a descendant of Pyscript built on Pyodide, a port of CPython, or a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js that is based on Webassembly and Emscripten."

CPython is definitely not a descendant of Pyscript! Looks like someone found something (semi-) interesting and tried to write something insightful about it, but without really understanding any of it. Other articles don't seem to be any better.

To me, this sentence is so badly cobbled together that it could be the output of a KI of some sort (GPT-3) trying to summarize stuff from the web. It doesn't make any sense at all on a semantic level.


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