On 2022-06-21 at 17:04:45 +0000,
Avi Gross via Python-list <python-list@python.org> wrote:

> My problem with that idea is, believe it or not, that it is too negative. 
> What you meant to be seen as a dash is a minus sign to me. And both C and C++ 
> not only have both a pre and post autoincrement variable using ++x and x++, 
> they also have autodecrement operators using a minus sign such as --x and x-- 
> and it can get pretty weird trying to figure out if some code is legal, let 
> alone what it does, without parentheses. I mean what the heck does this do?
> y = x++-++x

That code evokes (or at least can evoke) nasal demons.


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