On 7/17/22, Scott Baer <bae...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've done some troubleshooting, and nothing is in the C:\Program
> Files\Python310\Scripts folder.

The installer may have silently failed to install pip. Run the
following command to check whether the package was installed.

    "C:\Program Files\Python310\python.exe" -m pip -V

The standard library includes pip (a third-party package) via the
"ensurepip" bundle. You can use it to install pip with the following

    "C:\Program Files\Python310\python.exe" -m ensurepip --default-pip

Since your Python installation is for all users, this command must be
run from an elevated shell, i.e. "run as administrator". If your user
is in the administrators group and UAC is enabled (the default
configuration), then the system logs you on without administrator
rights and privileges. You have to elevate via the UAC consent prompt
in order to run a program with administrator access.

For installing other packages, in most cases you should run pip in a
virtual environment, or at least just for the current user via --user.
Installing to the system site packages should be limited to common
packages that you need for system services and administration across
multiple accounts, such as the pywin32 package.

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