On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 06:34:45 -0700, Frank Millman wrote:

> The client program contains all the authentication and business logic.
> It has dawned on me that anyone can bypass this by modifying the
> program. As it is written in Python, with source available, this would
> be quite easy. My target market extends well up into the mid-range, but
> I do not think that any CFO would contemplate using a program that is
> so open to manipulation.

Ha ha ha ha! Oh, you're a funny man! How many CFOs contemplate using
Windows, Internet Explorer, SQL Server, and all the other Microsoft
technologies that are "so open to manipulation" by spyware, viruses
and other malware?

What you do is don't tell them that they can modify the source code. They
won't think of it. And if they do, well, that isn't your problem. That's
an internal problem for their IT department, precisely as it would be if
they gave full read/write permission to everyone in the company instead of
restricting permissions to those who need them.



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