On 8/26/22 21:35, Michael Torrie wrote:
On 8/26/22 14:37, gene heskett wrote:
Greetings all;

Its now become obvious that 3.10 has broken some things. I can't build
linuxcnc with it. And
Octoprint has quit talking to 3d printers, now pronterface won't buy it,
can't find a 4.0.7
version of wxPython with it sitting there staring at us.
I have Fedora 35 here, nearing it's end of life. It has Python 3.10.6,
and wxPython 4.0.7.  I installed Pronterface 2.0.0 from the Fedora repos
and it runs fine as near as I can tell.  So there's no inherent
incompatibility with Python 3.10 and wxPython 4.0.7.

Whats chances of a fixed version for bookworm? Or even a bugs fixed
release for bullseye?
Seems like it is a distro-specific problem; I cannot replicate your
error with pronterface on Fedora 35.

I have no idea why octoprint won't work.
This is good to know as it helps to narrow down the battlefield.

Octoprint now gets stuck claiming the printer is continuously requesting a repeat of line one, but It works fine if the gcode file is put on its sd card and printed from the printers menu.

Octoprint is supposed to be able to handle more than one printer, but this change occurred after I had plugged in another printer and tried to add it. It was working great with a prusa mk3S+.

And I'm trying to resurrect an Ender 5 Plus that has forgotten how to use any of the 3 BLTouch's I have. So I've replaced the head with a volcano version of an E3D-V6 and have a prox switch with the wrong logic output mounted in place of the BLTouch. It seems amazon is not immune to ID10T vendors. I ordered npn-no's and got pnp-nc's. Even the label on the devices cable is wrong.

The head replacement includes an Orbiter V2 extruder sitting on top of the volcano, with me designing and printing the adapters. but still with the long capricorn tube feed to absorb the jerking on the feed spool the mk3s+ does. Even with the much improved grip a bondtech LGX extruder on the mk3s+ gives, I can still see artifacts of the spool jerk as it runs left/right
in the print.

Vertical flex in the head transport suspension rods I believe. So I've eliminated that geometry error on the Ender 5 plus by interposing a fixed length of tubing so it doesn't
jerk on the spool as the head moves.

The Dell with an i5 in it had its video out nullified by some noisy weather 20 days back, so I pulled out a 5 amp 5 volt box and hung a rock64/w/4gigs on it to run octoprint on, but it quit working on the mk3s+ when I plugged in the Ender. I'll probably have to re-install
it all. Easy enough since I have armbian bullseye's img file here.

The target of all this is production of a woodworking tool using modern cnc wood carving and 3d printing, of a device I see selling in the 3 digit price range on ebay that you'll hand down to your great grandkids if they are interested in fine woodworking as a means to buy groceries, good housing and nice wheels.  At my age, I'm that great great grandpa. Looking to supplement my SS in my dotage. A retired broadcast engineer, a C.E.T., approaching the end of my time here as I look at the calendar and see my 88th coming up shortly. I'd like to leave something useful behind. It will take at least 2 working printers to keep up with the output of one of my milling machines if sales materialize. 3d printers are not fast. A screw I can carve in 2 days, takes about 2 weeks to print the rest of it. Production, 20 a year, maybe.

Thanks everybody.  Take care and stay well.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/>


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