Op 30/08/2022 om 23:52 schreef dn:
The conversation seems to be wandering some way from the OP. Whereas
both of these answers are clever (and I assume work), the question
becomes: why would you want to do this? (especially as it looks ugly and
'smells' a bit convoluted). An example use-case from your experience?

Delving into the list-archive, to get back to the OP: the first message
in the thread quotes another message that's (apparently) not present.

However, in there somewhere is:

from test import *
So, the elephant-in-the-room has always been a very stinky 'code-smell'
- which pretty much every text or web-tutorial will say is a bad idea.

No that is a red herring. If for some reason a variable in a module has
to be (re)set after import time, it doesn't matter whether someone uses

    from module import *


    from module import resetable_variable

in both cases the module that did the import will not notice the change
in the original module.

focussing on the code smell, is leading the attention away from the problem.

Antoon Pardon

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