Thanks for the suggestions, Mrab and Eryk.

Because my R and RStudio are under program files, for consistency I
installed Python in C:\program files\Python\Python310. I updated to the
latest version of Spyder in C:\program files\Spyder\Spyder5.3.3. As with R
and RStudio, some Python and Spyder files were automatically installed in
C:\Users\George.Rwaga\AppData\Local. I am not sure why the default for
installing Python
is C:\Users\xxxxx.xxxxx\AppData\local\programs\Python\Python310.

Initial tests suggest Spyder 5.3.3 is working fine. The real test will
probably come when I try to run some of my old code based on such sources
as Python for Finance by Yves Hilpisch, a book by the same title by Yuxing
Yan, Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney, etc.

Again, thanks.


On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 4:06 PM Eryk Sun <> wrote:

> On 8/30/22, George Rwaga <> wrote:
> >
> > 1. I installed Python 3.10.6 in the default directory
> > C:\Users\xxxxx.xxxxx\AppData\local\programs\Python\Python310
> > After the installation, there was no shortcut on my desktop.
> Shortcuts are created in the start menu. The installer doesn't modify
> the user's desktop or the desktop of all users, which many users don't
> want and would find annoying. Just copy the shortcuts from the start
> menu to the desktop if that's what you want. Right-click the icon in
> the start menu and choose to open the location. You can copy shortcuts
> from the opened Explorer window.
> > 2. I then decided to install Python3.10.6 in a customized directory
> > C:\program files\Python\Python310
> > I am being asked to verify access to this directly. I went to properties,
> > made what I thought were the relevant changes. But I keep getting asked
> to
> > verify access.
> Installing to "Program Files" requires elevating to get administrator
> access. All users have the right to read and execute files in a
> directory created in "Program Files", but adding, removing, or
> deleting files and directories requires administrator access, as it
> should.

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