On Mon, 05 Sep 2022 23:22:34 -0300, Meredith Montgomery
<mmontgom...@levado.to> declaimed the following:

>I never read a book on Python.  I'm looking for a good one now.  I just
>searched the web for names such as Charles Petzold, but it looks like he

        So far as I know, Petzold is a Windows Internals type person. Python is
not a M$ product (even if they stuff it into their Win10 "app store" and is
an option in Visual Studio.

        Searching for Python books using authors that may or may not have ever
seen Python seems futile... Many of my Python books are O'Reilly
publications, with specialized books from Packt and APress.

        Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
        wlfr...@ix.netcom.com    http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

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