On 9/12/2022 5:00 AM, hongy...@gmail.com wrote:
I want to do the query from with in script based on the interface here [1]. For this 
purpose, the underlying posting URL must be obtained, say, the URL corresponding to 
"ITA Settings" button, so that I can make the corresponding query URL and issue 
the query from the script.

However, I did not find the conversion rules from these buttons to the 
corresponding URL. Any hints for achieving this aim?



You didn't say what you want to query. Are you trying to download entire sections of the Bilbao Crystallographic Server? Maybe the admins will give you access to the data.

* this link: https://www.cryst.ehu.es/cgi-bin/cryst/programs/nph-getgen
  brings up the table of space group symbols.

* choose say #7: Pc

* now click ITA Settings, then choose the last entry "P c 1 1" and it


You might be able to fool around with that URL and substitute values and get back the data you want (in HTML) via Python. Do you really want HTML results?

Hit Ctrl+U to see the source HTML of a webpage

Right-click or hit Ctrl + Shift + C to inspect the individual elements of the page


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