On 12Oct2022 17:49, Paulo da Silva <p_d_a_s_i_l_v_a...@nonetnoaddress.pt> wrote:
Às 05:00 de 12/10/22, Paulo da Silva escreveu:
I think that the the suggestion of searching the PATH env seems the best.

I just want to note that you want to not just check for existence of the path, but that it is executable (permissionwise). You want to use `X_OK` with the `os.access` function:

Also notice that the `shutil` module has a `which()` function:

Another thing that I thought of is that of the 'which', but, to avoid the mentioned recurrent problem of not knowing where 'which' is I would use 'type' instead.

`which` will almost always be in `/usr/bin` (or `/bin` on some systems I suppose). But do you need to know where `which` is? If you're invoking it instead of search `$PATH`, the normal executtion stuff itself search `$PATH`, an will find `which` for you :-)

'type' is a bash (sh?) command.

Yeah. Bash, ksh etc have `type`. It is a builtin, shich can see if a command word you give it is a shell alias or function or builtin or externally executed command. As you'd imagine, an external executable like `which` has no access to the internals of your shell, and can only look for executables.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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