On 2022-10-13 13:47:07 +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> I have a short python3 program that collects E-Mails from a 'catchall'
> mailbox, sends the few that might be interesting to me and dumps the
> rest.
> It has suddenly (after working for some years) started throwing the
> following:-
>     poplib.error_proto: b'-ERR internal server error'
> It seems to be saying that the POP3 server has a problem,

Yes. "-ERR" is the normal start of a POP error reply, so the message
"-ERR internal server error" was sent by the POP server.

> if so there's not much I can do about it as it's my hosting provider's
> mail server.

You can call you hosting provider and ask them to fix the problem.


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
|_|_) |                    |
| |   | h...@hjp.at         |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
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