Nothing special, but kind of fun to use


#count blank lines, comments, source code

import sys

imports, blanks,comments, source  = 0,0,0,0
functions, dbexec, total  = 0,0,0

#python builtins
builtins = 0
bins = ['abs','aiter','all','any','anext','ascii','bin','bool','breakpoint','bytearray','bytes','callable','chr','classmethod','compile','complex','delattr','dict','dir','divmod','enumerate','eval','exec','filter','float','format','frozenset','getattr','globals','hasattr','hash','help','hex','id','input','int','isinstance','issubclass','iter','len','list','locals','map','max','memoryview','min','next','object','oct','open','ord','pow','property','range','repr','reversed','round','set','setattr','slice','sorted','staticmethod','str','sum','super','tuple','type','vars','zip']
bins2,bins3 = [],[]
for bi in bins: bins2.append(' ' + bi + '(') #look for leading space then builtin then open paren

#todo use for source files other than .py
ccomments = 0
py_comment = ['#','~','@']
c_comment  = ['/*','//']

#read file
f = open(sys.argv[1], encoding='utf-8')
lines =

#print builtin usage count
#def binusage():

#iterate file
linenbr = 0
for line in lines:
        line = line.strip()
        linenbr += 1
        if line == ''                           : blanks += 1
        if line != '':
                if line[0:1]  == '#'    : comments += 1
                if line[0:3]  == '"""'  : comments += 1
                if line[-3:1] == '"""'   : comments += 1
                if line[0:1] not in ['#','"']:
                        source += 1
                        if line[0:3] == 'def' and line[-2:] == '):'  : 
functions += 1
                        if '.execute' in line   : dbexec += 1
                        if 'commit()' in line   : dbexec += 1
                        if 'import' in line             : imports += 1
                        if 'print(' in line             : bins3.append('print')
                        for bi in bins2:        #usage of a python builtin 
                                if bi in line:
        total += 1      
print('imports   : ' + str(imports))
print('source    : ' + str(source))
print('-functions: ' + str(functions))
print('-db exec  : ' + str(dbexec) + 'x')
ctxt = ''
x = [(i,bins3.count(i)) for i in sorted(set(bins3))]
for bi,cnt in x: ctxt += bi + '('+ str(cnt) + '), '
print('-builtins : ' + str(len(bins3)) + 'x [' + ctxt[:-2] + ']')
print('comments  : ' + str(comments))
print('blanks    : ' + str(blanks))
print('Total     : ' + str(total))

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