From datenum to data_mjja=precp(:,ind_mjja);

Le lun. 7 nov. 2022 à 21:42, Christian Gollwitzer <> a
écrit :

> Am 07.11.22 um 18:12 schrieb Dioumacor FAYE:
> > hi everyone
> > I wanted to transform this matlab code into python. If anyone can help me
> > please let me know.
> > load /media/lpaosf/Dioumss/maman/data/precip_chirps_SEN_1981-2018.mat
> > prcp = reshape(precip,[140*100,13879]);
> > dates = datenum(1981,1,1):datenum(2018,12,31);
> > date = datevec(dates);
> > ind_mjja=find(date(:,2)>=5 & date(:,2)<=8);% May to Aug (May(31)+
> June(30)+
> > July(31)+ August(31)= 123 days)
> > data_mjja=precp(:,ind_mjja);
> > data_mjja_res=reshape(data_mjja,14000,123,38);
> which part do you have trouble with?
>         Christian
> --

Bien à vous,
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Dioumacor FAYE doctorant au  LPAOSF/ESP/UCAD/BP 5085 Dakar-Fann, Sénégal.
Tel labo: (00221) 33 825 93 64
Email: <>   Tel:
+221773475098   +221783484308
Physicien en herbe
Pseudo Skype:   dioumacorfaye

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