On 11/19/2022 4:28 PM, Thomas Passin wrote:
On 11/19/2022 3:46 PM, Michael F. Stemper wrote:
On 18/11/2022 04.53, Stefan Ram wrote:
   Can I use "sys.argv" to pass information between modules
   as follows?

   in module A:

import sys
sys.argv.append( "Hi there!" )

   in module B:

import sys
message = sys.argv[ -1 ]

I just tried and it appears that one can append to sys.argv. However,
it seems like an incredibly bad idea.

For that matter, you can just directly add attributes to the sys module, no need to use sys.argv:

 >>> import sys
 >>> sys._extra = 'spam'   # Not an exception
 >>> print(sys._extra)

Probably not the best idea, though.  Better to use some module that you control directly.

This could be one of those things of which Raymond Chen (The Old New Thing) asks "what if everyone did this?". Imagine if every (non-standard-library) module misused sys or sys.argv like this. The result could be chaotic.

Best to put all your own stuff into modules that you yourself control.


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