On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 17:23:31 +0530, KK CHN wrote:

> When I ran the program I am able to see the output of  latitude and
> longitude in the console of thony IDE.  But  between certain intervals
> of a few seconds  I am getting the latitude and longitude data ( its
> printing GPS data not found ?? ) in the python console.

I would guess the 8 seconds in

timeout = time.time() + 8

is too short. Most GPS receivers repeat a sequence on NMEA sentences and 
the code is specifically looking for $GPGGA. Add


to see the sentences being received. I use the $GPRMC since I'm interested 
in the position, speed, and heading. It's a different format but if you 
only want lat/lon you could decode it in a similar fashion as the $GPGGA.


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