Hello i have a byte file, that fill a vb6 type like:
Type prog_real
    codice As String * 12        'hsg
    denom  As String * 24        'oo
    codprof As String * 12       'ljio
    note As String * 100
    programmer As String * 11
    Out As Integer
    b_out As Byte                'TRUE = Sec   FALSE= mm
    asse_w As Byte               '3.zo Asse --> 0=Z  1=W
    numpassi  As Integer         'put
    len As Long                  'leng
    p(250) As passo_pg
    vd(9) As Byte                'vel.
    qUscita(9) As Integer        'quote 
    l_arco As Long               'reserved
    AxDin As Byte                'dime
End Type

How i can convert to python

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