Stefan Ram <> wrote:
> Chris Green <> writes:
> >Is the only way to read single characters from the keyboard to use
> >curses.cbreak() or curses.raw()?  If so how do I then read characters,
>   It seems that you want to detect keypresses and not read
>   characters from a line-buffered console with editing
>   features.
>   Curses is not portable IIRC. A more portable means would 
>   be to use tkinter with the "bind" function to bind keys.
> >All I actually want to do is get 'Y' or 'N' answers to questions on
> >the command line.
>   answer = input( 'Format drive C: (Y/N)?' )
... and therein lies the fundamental problem, you have to type Y or N
followed by Return.  See my own follow-up though.

Chris Green

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