On 1/11/23 13:21, Dieter Maurer wrote:
aapost wrote at 2023-1-10 22:15 -0500:
On 1/4/23 12:13, aapost wrote:
On 1/4/23 09:42, Dieter Maurer wrote:
You might have a look at `PyXB`, too.
It tries hard to enforce schema restrictions in Python code.
Unfortunately picking it apart for a while and diving deeper in to a
rabbit hole, PyXB looks to be a no-go.

PyXB while interesting, and I respect it's complexity and depth, is
lacking in design consistency in how it operates if you are trying to
modify and work with the resulting structure intuitively.
... problem with simple types ...

I use `PyXB` in `dm.saml2` and `dm.zope.saml2`, i.e. with
the SAML2 schema definitions (which include those
of XML signature and XML encryption).
I had no problems with simple types. I just assign them to attributes
of the Python objects representing the XML elements.
`PyXB` does the right thing when it serializes those objects into XML.

It does do a lot of good things, and I am sad to see all the good work in it not get used, but for me it really boils down to what it can sum up itself in a couple comments from the author in it's first file (which I appreciate them and their honesty, because those are comments I could see myself writing in a similar situation)...

class cscRoot (object):
    """This little bundle of joy exists because in Python 2.6 it
    became an error to invoke C{object.__init__} with parameters (unless
    you also override C{__new__}, in which case it's only a warning.
    Whatever.).  Since I'm bloody not going to check in every class
    whether C{super(Myclass,self)} refers to C{object} (even if I could
    figure out how to do that, 'cuz the obvious solutions don't work),
    we'll just make this thing the root of all U{cooperative super


    def __init__ (self, *args, **kw):
# Oh gross. If this class descends from list (and probably dict), we # get here when object is *not* our direct superclass. In that case,
        # we have to pass the arguments on up, or the strings don't get
# created right. Below is the only way I've figured out to detect the
        # situation.
        # Note that we might also get here if you mix-in a class that used
# object as a parent instead of cscRoot. Don't do that. Printing the
        # mro() is a decent way of identifying the problem.

using that suggestion you can see that on simple types
>>> pyxbxmlroot.SomeString._mro()
[<class 'pyxb.binding.datatypes.string'>, <class 'pyxb.binding.basis.simpleTypeDefinition'>, <class 'pyxb.binding.basis._TypeBinding_mixin'>, <class 'pyxb.utils.utility.Locatable_mixin'>, <class 'pyxb.utils.utility._DeconflictSymbols_mixin'>, <class 'pyxb.binding.basis._DynamicCreate_mixin'>, <class 'pyxb.cscRoot'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'object'>]

it has a python type that it sends all the way up right next to object, when that doesn't actually occur until after simpleType in class string (basis.simpleTypeDefinition, str):

This makes the object dependent on it's parent, since it itself IS the value, I can't assign to or do anything to it by itself, or it and all the other stuff goes away. As designed it is very hard to change anything in it without breaking something.

After working with xmlschema, it pretty much confirmed my assumptions that it doesn't need to be that way. I was able to follow what was going on and tweak xmlschema fairly easily.

That and the fact that PyXB was abandoned 5-6 years ago make it a strong no-go to use in a project. It would need to be adopted with fresh development, stripped of the python2 stuff, and the object structure redesigned in a more uniform way with functionality properly containerized instead of all stuffed together...

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