Op 19/01/2023 om 11:32 schreef Stefan Ram:
dn <pythonl...@danceswithmice.info> writes:
>The longer an identifier, the more it 'pushes' code over to the right or >to expand over multiple screen-lines. Some thoughts on this are behind >PEP-008 philosophies, eg line-limit.

   Raymond Hettinger (transcribed, shortened and partially
   paraphrased by me [Stefan Ram]):

|The line-width part of PEP 8 bugs me.
|You have to wrap your commits in seventy-two characters. You have
|to end your lines at seventy-nine characters.
|One time it bugs me is when I'm writing unit tests.
|When I write unit tests, I have to start with a class, and then
|inside the class there's a "def" for tests, and then the test
|starts with a "self.assertEqual", and by then most of my line
|is gone. So by the time I get to any business logic in my test,
|I'm near the end of the line.
|If I go over seventy-nine characters, somebody will come and
|PEP 8 me.
|They'll come in and say: "Oh, Raymond's line hit eighty-one
|characters, I'm going to PEP 8 it!". And so, while I'm not
|looking, they come in and reformat my code.
|They'll just throw a line break at a really awkward place.
|Does that make the code better?
|So, to escape that pressure, I think: Maybe I can just commit
|a little atrocity and that way no one will ever come and PEP 8 me.
|I'll just shorten my variable names.
|Does that make the code better?
freely adapted from Raymond Hettinger
He then goes on to say he uses 90-ish, IIRC: he tries to stay under that, but doesn' t mine if a line goes a bit over. Or at least that's what I remember from that talk, I might be wrong.


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