On 1/22/2023 10:45 AM, Peter J. Holzer wrote:
Notice that this file is in its first release, version 0.0.1 - the metadata
that says it's 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable' seems to be
bogus.  So it may very well be buggy.
It is at least too incomplete to be useful. It handles only single
letters as operands and treats everything else (except parentheses) as an 
operator, handling
only +, -, *, / and ^ correctly (actually, ^ is typically right
associative, so that's arguably wrong, too).

This script is basically useless without some documentation on the intended inputs and outputs, and how to invoke it. The documentation could (in the minimal case) have been included in docstrings and comments within the script. As it is, the script seems tantalizing but unusable.

Please document your work, even if it's just for yourself!


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