On Wed, 1 Feb 2023 13:17:33 +1300
dn <pythonl...@danceswithmice.info> wrote:
>On 01/02/2023 11.59, Greg Ewing wrote:
>> On 31/01/23 10:24 pm, mutt...@dastardlyhq.com wrote:
>>> All languages have their ugly corners due to initial design mistakes 
>>> and/or
>>> constraints. Eg: java with the special behaviour of its string class, C++
>>> with "=0" pure virtual declaration. But they don't dump them and make 
>>> all old
>>> code suddenly cease to execute.
>> No, but it was decided that Python 3 would have to be backwards
>> incompatible, mainly to sort out the Unicode mess. Given that,
>> the opportunity was taken to clean up some other mistakes as well.
>and the move to Unicode has opened-up the Python community beyond the 
>US, to embrace 'the world' - a proposition (still) not well-recognised 
>by (only) English-speakers/writers/readers.
>Even though the proposition has a troll-bait smell to it:-
>1 nothing "ceased to execute" and Python 2 was maintained and developed 
>for quite some time and in-parallel to many Python 3 releases.

MacOS only comes with python3 now. If you have a whole load of python2 code
you want to run you now have to manually install python2 yourself.

>2 the only constant in this business is 'change'. I'd rather cope with 
>an evolution in this language (which we know and love), than one day 

Its not evolution, its revolution. Evolution retains old functionality.


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