On 04/02/2023 16.24, Thomas Passin wrote:
On 2/3/2023 5:14 PM, 2qdxy4rzwzuui...@potatochowder.com wrote:
Keep It Simple:  Put all four modules at the top level, and run with it
until you falsify it.  Yes, I would give you that same advice no matter
what language you're using.

In my recent message I supported DESIGN 1.  But I really don't care much about the directory organization.  It's designing modules whose business is to handle various kinds of operations that counts, not so much the actual directory organization.

+1 (and to comments made in preceding post)

With ETL the 'reasons to change' (SRP) come from different 'actors'. For example, the data-source may be altered either in format or by changing the tool you'll utilise to access. Accordingly, the virtue of keeping it separate from other parts. If you have multiple data-sources, then each should be separate for the same reason.

The transform is likely dictated by your client's specification. So, another separation. Hence Design 1.

There is a strong argument for suggesting that we're going out of our way to imagine problems or future-changes (which may never happen). If this is (definitely?) a one-off, then why-bother? If permanence is likely, (so many 'temporary' solutions end-up lasting years!) then re-use can?should be considered.

Thus, when it comes to loading the data into your own DB; perhaps this should be separate, because it is highly likely that the mechanisms you build for loading will be matched by at least one 'someone else' wanting to access the same data for the desired end-purposes. Accordingly, a shareable module and/or class for that.

We can't see the code-structure, so some of the other parts of your question(s) are too broad. Here's hoping you and Liskov have a good time together...

My preference is for (what I term) the 'circles' diagram (see copy at https://mahu.rangi.cloud/CraftingSoftware/CleanArchitecture.jpg). This illustrates the 'rule' that code handling the inner functionality not know what happens at the more detailed/lower-level functional level of the outer rings.

With ETL, there's precious little to embody various circles, but the content of the outer ring is obvious. The "T" rules comprise the inner "Use Case", even if you eschew "Entities" insofar as OOP-avoidance is concerned. This 'inversion', where the inner controls don't need to care about the details of outer-ring implementation (is it an RDBMS, MySQL or Postgres; or is it some NoSQL system?) brings to life the "D" of SOLID, ie Dependency Inversion.

You may pick-up some ideas or reassurance from "Making a Simple Data Pipeline Part 1: The ETL Pattern" (https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5324207/Making-a-Simple-Data-Pipeline-Part-1-The-ETL-Patte).

Let us know how it turns-out...

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