Am Tue, 13 Sep 2005 07:01:57 -0700 schrieb TPJ:

>> Beside this, wxPython (and wxWidgets) is often told to be more complete,
>> better documented and better supported than GTK/PyGTK.
> Is wxPython often told to be more documented? By who?
> Several months ago I wanted to choose a nice GUI for Python (Tkinter
> was out of question). I choosed PyGTK for one reason - it was much,
> much better documented than wxPython.

Yes, the pyGTK documentation ist good. For me, the pyGTK API is
easier than the API of wxPython. 

I switched from wxPython to pyGTK.

I don't know if you can create standalone applications
for windows, without installing gtk on the client.


Thomas Güttler,
E-Mail: guettli (*) thomas-guettler + de


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