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> On 22 Feb 2023, at 14:43, Anton Shepelev <anton.txt@g{oogle}> wrote:
> Hello, all.
> Does Python have an instrospection facility that can
> determine to which outer variable a function argument is
> bound, e.g.:

There is no requirement for a variable to be used in the call.
It could be an an int or string, 42 “forty two”.

>  v1 = 5;
>  v2 = 5;
>  def f(a):
>      print(black_magic(a)) # or black_magic('a')
>  f(v1) # prints: v1
>  f(v2) # prints: v2

There is the traceback module that lets you find where you are called from.
Also there is the inspect module that also lets tou get at the stack in more 


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