On Saturday, February 25, 2023 at 4:54:36 PM UTC-8, Greg Ewing wrote:
> On 26/02/23 10:53 am, Paul Rubin wrote: 
> > I'm not on either list but the purpose of the tutor list is to shunt 
> >              beginner questions away from the main list.

> There's a fundamental problem with tutor lists. They rely on 
> experienced people, the ones capable of answering the questions, 
> to go out of their way to read the tutor list -- something that 
> is not of personal benefit to them. 
> Also, pointing people towards tutor lists, if not done carefully, 
> can give the impression of saying "newcomers are not welcome here". 
> That's not a message we want to send to Python newcomers at all. 
> -- 
> Greg

1.   i still think that  my original question  about   (not "int")   is  a good 
                  it may  seem like a  stupid      [beginner question] ,     
but it really isn't.

2. the rude guy ('dn') hasn't  offered  a single word of comment   that's 
directly relevant to it.
               --------  but he did  offer related stuff  which he thinks i 
should be  [grateful] for

3.   it's pretty clear  that  the rude guy ('dn')  intended-intends  to insult 
me as a Newbie... that much is certain.

 It'd be easy for the Error-Msg to include   the   VALUE   of the int.

                A   LISP   programmer knows the value of everything,
                                          but the cost of nothing.

>>>   TypeError: can only join an iterable

                      Here she's not even telling me the TYPE of the offending 

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