I've been putting off sending this message for days, but the list noise
level is now to the point that it has to be said.

Often it is better to contact someone directly and privately rather than
publicly embarrass them by calling them out. You've made it clear,
however, that publicly calling you out is necessary. No doubt you will
think my post rude as well, even though the tone is moderate and
deliberate.  Sometimes things need to said and others need to be asked
to make changes. That's just part of communication in real, grown-up life.

Everyone that's responded to you has patiently attempted to answer your
questions and engage with you despite your unorthodox and very difficult
communications style.  I can assure you that not one person who's
replied to you has been rude or insulting, yet I cannot say the same
about your own disparaging comments in reply.  The only ad homimems I've
seen have come from you.

We are frustrated and exasperated with your unwillingness to read,
learn, and understand, yes, definitely!  Although your posts are quite a
bit less frustrating than those trying to turn Python into Java.  We can
probably handle trying to turn Python into LISP! :)

Do you understand why your posts have been causing frustration?  This is
an existing community that you've chosen to join.  Many of the people
you've insulted here, including dn have been participating and helpfully
contributing to this list for many years.

Please stop posting messages about how you think people have been rude
to you. Besides being off-topic they are simply false.

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