Using str.startswith is a cool idea in this case.  But is it better than regex 
for performance or reliability?  Regex syntax is not a model of simplicity, but 
in my simple case it's not too difficult.  

Feb 27, 2023, 18:52 by

> On 2/27/2023 9:16 PM, wrote:
>> And, just for fun, since there is nothing wrong with your code, this minor 
>> change is terser:
>>>>> example = 'X - abc_degree + 1 + qq + abc_degree + 1'
>>>>> for match in re.finditer(re.escape('abc_degree + 1') , example):
>> ...     print(match.start(), match.end())
>> ...
>> ...
>> 4 18
>> 26 40
> Just for more fun :) -
> Without knowing how general your expressions will be, I think the following 
> version is very readable, certainly more readable than regexes:
> example = 'X - abc_degree + 1 + qq + abc_degree + 1'
> KEY = 'abc_degree + 1'
> for i in range(len(example)):
>  if example[i:].startswith(KEY):
>  print(i, i + len(KEY))
> # prints:
> 4 18
> 26 40
> If you may have variable numbers of spaces around the symbols, OTOH, the 
> whole situation changes and then regexes would almost certainly be the best 
> approach.  But the regular expression strings would become harder to read.
> -- 


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